Living The Gospel (Matt)

"Pouring It All Out" - Ryan Moore

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Matthew (Part 9) Do the actions in our life represent the words that we say? It is easy for us to fulfill tradition in order to be a "good Christian," but when we see the opportunity to live out the gospel, do we pour it all out just as the woman did in Matthew 26? (Matthew 12, 26)

"That Hill In Galilee" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Matthew (Part 8) We often believe that God is for those of us that do "the right thing at the right time, follow all the rules, and stand up straight." But Jesus' teaching on that hill in Galilee flips our understanding of what it means to be blessed. He says, "I am with the unschooled and ordinary people." His gospel is for all. We have been offered the kingdom of heaven. Let us shine like a city on a hill. (Matt 5:1-16, 28:16-20)

"More" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Matthew (Part 7) The story of the Rich Young Ruler, in Matthew, is a haunting story about having everything you could want from life, but not being able to lay it down in order to put Jesus first. We all fall victim to this desire to have "more." What is it that we have placed as an idol in our heart? Do we have things in our life that we desire more than The Lord? (Matt. 19:16-26)

"Faith Imprisoned" - Ryan Moore

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Matthew (Part 6) We can all relate to the moments & situations in life when we are faced with extreme pain, difficulties, & struggles. In those moments, the foundation of our faith can crumble & we are left looking at the pile of debris & doubting God. Looking at our story today we see a man who Jesus loved, Jesus knew his name, but yet he didn't answer his prayer... And why that is a good thing. (Mark 6:17-20, Matthew 11:2-11) 

"Not Even A Finger" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Matthew (Part 5) Are we as a culture an arrogant people? Jesus dealt with this issue in Matthew 23. He proclaimed that "the greatest among us are servants and that those who humble themselves will be exalted." Is our main objective in life "ourselves?" Our schedule, our feelings, and our comfort level control our lives, but we see that humility is the primary character in Jesus and He is calling us to live that life. (Matthew 23:1-12)

"How Bad Do You Want It?" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Matthew (Part 4) Jesus performed many miracles for desperate people throughout the stories of the gospels. The challenge for many of us is that we are not desperate. Most of us live privileged lives and have very little need; as a result the power of God is a rare sighting because we rest in our privilege. How do we become desperate people? (Matthew 8:5-13, Matthew 9:1-8 & 18-31) 

"The Left Cheek" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Matthew (Part 3) We have all heard Jesus' words about turning the other cheek, but the reality and practicality of this rarely are applied into our actual lives. What was Jesus' intent for our world today? Was His purpose to give us another law to follow or to perhaps show us a better way to live the gospel? (Matthew 5:38-42)

"A Snake For A Fish" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Matthew (Part 2) In our culture, we often feel like we have to carry the weight of the world on our "independent" shoulders, but Jesus teaches us another principle about what it means to "ask." What does it look like to live in a community of people who are open about their needs and are quick to respond to the needs of others? (Matthew 7:1-12)

"Rabbi's & Fishermen" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Matthew (Part 1) Beginning our new Summer series, we examine what it takes to become a Rabbi, what the disciples of a Rabbi would be required to do, and why someone would "drop their nets" to follow. (Matthew 4:18-22)

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